I am a certified yoga instructor with almost a decade of solid experience in teaching yoga in different settings. Having started my practice with traditional ashtanga yoga 15 years ago, my approach has through the years become softer, intuitive, somatic and holistic in its nature, as I have instead of following a fixed mindset or a dogma, learned to allow the deep wisdom of the body lead the way. Having always been a curious seeker, studying different approaches of spirituality & mysticism alongside with different somatic practices and holistic healing, my understanding of the human body/mind/spirit keeps on growing, which has a direct effect on how I practice and teach yoga. Next to the yoga teacher trainings and seminars that I have completed, my long professional experience and education as a contemporary dancer and dance teacher also directly influence and enrich my yoga teaching. I understand the human body and movement deeply, and incorporate this understanding into my yoga classes directly, I don't stand for strict rules in my practice, teaching, or life in general, but strive for authenticity and listening, flowing with the tides of life and nature, with the intention of cultivating unconditional presence for ourselves and for life. I hold space for my students to connect deeply with themselves and to practice in a safe, self-compassionate, sustainable way.
I have been continuosly teaching yoga since 2014 privately, in corporations (AJ&Smart, OXL Group, Marley Spoon a.o.) and in several renowned studios in Berlin (Yogibar, Yoga am Park, Lotos Yoga, Enso Yoga). I have completed the following trainings in the field of yoga, movement and teaching:
Academic Education as a Dancer & Dance teacher:
MA Master of Arts in Teaching & Education, University of Oulu, Finland 2009
BA Bachelor of Arts in Dance Education, University of Applied Sciences Oulu, Finland 2013
BA Bachelor of Arts in Dance Performance, Fontys Dance Academy Tilburg, NL 2014
Yoga Teaching Certifications:
Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Instructor 200h - Yoga Europa (Monica Angelucci), Berlin 2015
Restorative Yoga Teacher Training 30h - Parvati Yoga, BDY, Leipzig 2017
Pre-Natal Yoga Teacher Training 30h - Yogibar, Berlin 2016
Essential Oils for Yoga Teachers 12h - Sally Parkes Yoga 2024
Continuing regular study of somatics, embodiment, trauma, nervous system, healing & spirituality:
Feldenkrais - Method with several teachers since 2011 -
Body Mind Centering with several teachers since 2019 -
Qi Gong with Bernd Podzwadowski & Paolo Cingolani since 2016 -
Nervous System Tune-Up - Irene Lyon 2021
Somatic Experiencing & NARM private sessions since 2021/2023
Usui Reiki Levels 1 & 2 - Spiri-T, Tilburg, NL 2012
Courses in Archetypal Astrology & Mysticism with Robert Ohotto, Rick Levine, Caroline Myss 2020-
Currently I teach the following open yoga classes in my new studio Park Studio ( in Treptower Park Berlin:
Mindful Flow Yoga with Aromatherapy / Thursdays at 18.30-19.45h
reservations via the website
"Your human-understanding, open and honest approach as a yoga teacher who is real to herself, helps and encourages us participants to be more real to ourselves, practise self-acceptance, mercy and so many things under the word goodness." Noora Hakkarainen
"Annukka is a very personable, motivating and professional teacher who creates a lovely and accepting atmosphere. I can warmly recommend her courses to anyone." Minna Holi